VEGA documentation

VEGA is a deep generative model for scRNA-Seq data whose decoder structure is informed by gene modules such as pathways, gene regulatory networks, or cell type marker sets. It allows embedding of single-cell data into an interpretable latent space, inference of gene module activity at the single-cell level, and differential activity testing for those gene modules between groups of cells. VEGA is implemented in Pytorch and works around the scanpy and scvi-tools ecosystems.

VEGA model

Getting started

VEGA simply requires

  • An Anndata single-cell dataset

  • GMT file(s) with the gene module membership, such as provided by databases like MSigDB

Note: We recommend to preprocess the single-cell dataset before passing it to VEGA.

Main features

VEGA provides the following features

  • Embed single-cell data into an interpretable latent space

  • Inference of gene module activities at the single-cell level

  • Cell type / cell state disentanglement

  • Alternative to enrichment methods for finding differentially activated pathways

Differential pathway activity

Inspired by the differential gene expression procedure from scvi-tools, VEGA provides a Bayesian testing procedure to find significantly activated gene modules in your dataset. More information in the vega basic usage tutorial.